Looking for a designer’s wedding dress at an affordable price?

We have the solution for you!


 9, rue Godot de Mauroy 75009 Paris 

Métro Madeleine, Auber ou Havre Caumartin
Bus 24 -42 - 52 - 84 - 94

Le Dressing Club sells either brand-new or second-hand wedding dresses from the greatest designer brands.

The dresses that we display are selected with care: modern, elegant, in mint condition and recent. Which are the creators that we like? Laure de Sagazan, Delphine Manivet, Lorafolk, Stephanie Wolf, Rime Arodaky, Jenny Packham, Pronovias, Rosa Clara, Marie Laporte ... They are the leading names in the wedding world for either a romantic bride, a trendy and casual bride or a chic and elegant princess ... but, above all, for a clever future bride who doesn’t want to go broke!


We sell our products at a 30% to 60% discount from the store price.

Our team will be at your disposition to find THE dress that you are looking for. We will be delighted to counsel you and to guide you, so that you find the dress that fits you and that you feel at ease on the D-Day. You can also add to your dress either a veil, a petticoat or a head accessory, all second-hand if needed, available in our online boutique.

How to proceed?


Keep an eye out for our private sales by subscribing to our newsletter. This would be the best move to get the best deals.


1 – Pick out the dresses that you mostly like in our website and make an appointment.

You can set an appointment from Tuesday to Friday with Guenola: guenola@dressing-club.fr or 09 52 96 30 90

You will be invited for fittings in our Parisian showroom. Please don’t wear any make-up for the rendezvous (specially face powder or lipstick). And, of course, do not hesitate to come with one or two friends that will know how to advise you (but no more than two, otherwise you might get lost between the opinions!)


2 – Try on, make your choice, and, if needed, use our alteration services.

We work a professional stylist and a professional designer that will know how to give you sharp advices. Dress’s alterations are done around 4 months before the wedding date.


3- Pick up your wedding dress.

Once the last adjustments are made at your convenience, you can come to pick up your dress! Then it will all be in your hands for the D-Day.



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